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Meeting Minutes - Take minutes during meetings. Email out all officer meeting, BoT, EoT, and MoST SWanky (retreat) minutes.
Reserve Rooms - Reserve rooms if the Stage Manager is not at MIT student or unavailable during the day.
Respond to Emails - Respond to emails sent to ensemble-request.
Documents - Be responsible for all the documents relevant to the Ensemble, such as this one.

Mailing Lists


ensemble-town-crier alias for town-crier for show publicity
ensemble-new we are gradually getting rid of this list
ensemble-interest contains cpw and midway interest from each year
ensemble-tech phase out this list?
ensemble-audition phase out this list?
ensemble-directors those who have worked with us
ensemble-director-search those who interviewed and who we liked
ensemble-directors-request for managing the director lists

There are more mailing lists than this, but the best way to find them all is really to go look at what lists er administers

Theater Arts


Reserving Rooms

Things to look out for
  • BEFORE the Opening of the Books (see below)
    • check to make sure that Sala reservations are for the right days
    • check with other officers if there is anything not in the list below that you want to reserve for
  • At the start of the term
    • Make sure tech week and strike reservations go until 1am not midnight
    • Make sure there are the right amount of tables and chairs on the reservations
      • U-shape for 20-25 people for read-through
      • 3 tables + 10 chairs during table reads
      • 2-3 tables + 5 chairs after that
    • Make sure we have booth space in Lobby 10, or if we have space in the Student Center make sure people are aware of this fact
  • When reserving space
    • with CAC: make sure to put your (or someone who will be around at the time's) contact info as "1st contact" and as second contact. CAC will not let you use a non-kerberos email for the 1st contact.
    • with Schedules: just use as your email, they don't care, and it'll make your like easier.
  • In general, keep an eye on emails from CAC and/or ASA they contain a lot of useful information
Opening the CAC Books

CAC books open in early December for the following academic year. For instance in December 2015 books open for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. You can usually reserve only small numbers of spaces the first week, then more, then more. Rules change year to year. 

FIRST PRIORITIES: Summer, IAP, REX, CPW (you probably won't be able to reserve these because they are considered "special", but new rules this year might change that)

SECOND PRIORITY: PDR4 (Put-in), Rehearsal Spaces

Start by getting good rooms close to tech week. Then work backward, starting with getting all the Thursdays (since these are usually hardest to get), then the rest of the days.

Note that family weekend usually conflicts with the last week of rehearsals in the Fall.

After the initial opening period, you can reserve rooms whenever you want. 

In general, you can fill out the form honestly, but picking a certain set of answers will end with you needing to fill out an event registration form. 

  • use er as your e-mail, since then the whole officer list gets any important e-mails
  • if you plan to charge admission, you'll have to fill out an event reg form
  • you're not having alcohol
  • you don't have any under 18s or any non-mit people, unless there are actually more than 1 or 2 involved in your event
  • actually tell CAC if you're having music. Being honest about this makes it easier for them to not do things like put loud music events directly over sala when you're having a show.
  • ensemble events rarely have contracts involved (director contracts don't count)
Schedules office rooms

Schedules office rooms can be requested far in advance, but might not be approved until closer to the actual date.

Record rooms when you've requested them, since they won't be recorded anywhere else except your e-mail. You can choose to use a spreadsheet or the google calendar, there is a special calendar called "room reservations".

Reserve rooms:

Special Reservations

Summer Reservations can be attempted a few weeks in advance of the "Opening of the Books."

Mike Enos (menos@mit) is the person to contact about cube reservation. (it's a space in the media center which we once thought about using for a scene night a long time ago)

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