Integrated Communications: Keeping in touch with MIT while at Cambridge
Some notes on brainstorming sessions with Vijay and Dennis
- Vijay provides overview
- Physical and virtual spaces for collaboration: implications for research, education, and community
- Admissions portal example
- Wikis
- Blogs
- Collaboration spaces
- Enriching video conferences
- tech help
- non-dedicated space
- Enriching video conferences
- CMExchange as a potential source for experiments in this area
- Physical and virtual spaces for collaboration: implications for research, education, and community
- Ideas
- Innovative journaling: ways to capture the experience
- Communication Requirement improvements?
- Off-week supervisions
- Emily Fox suggests best coming from Cambridge people, not MIT
- Network of alums and Cambridge students who were at MIT on exchange
- One person might run a tutorial, maybe 3x, to answer questions (to help with intimidation factor at start of Cambridge term)
- Opportunity to "rant" and get feedback about issues associated with new being at the new school
- Small group academic tutorials that allow a morph into 'rants'.
- both distance and local
- structured introductions that appear ad hoc
- Online registration for MIT students (no such thing at Cambridge)
- Very cumbersome system currently
- Easier way to get reports, to retrieve scores
- Duane: "multiple communities" - one attaction of exchange
- Mock supervisions run by students
- Library induction (Les Perelman)
- Communication Requirement
- Stellar?
- Readings and links
- Library research/info literacy, reading, writing
- Les: "they're afraid they're leavning stuff at CU that won't prepare them for back at MIT." (Same concern voiced by Cambridge students at MIT.)
- Maybe 2d CI-M is tied to undergraduate thesis: in Easter term, MIT students explore with MIT department possible thesis or project topics. Chat board? Involve librarians, articles on line. Goal: return with a literature review.
- Recruitment generally for the exchange
- Publicity
- Chat board
- Marketing
- Parents of CME students
- Next steps
- Meeting with MIT CME returning seniors: first week in August
- Conversation with Haynes Miller (Math)
25 July 2005