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Omnibus Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. If PIs need to make adjustments to their proposals as directed by Admins, the call enters its Final Revision Phase, and their proposals are editable again via the Control Panel.
  2. Proposals to be funded are prepared for Omnibus.
  3. Omnibus is generated using a specific set of scripts.
  4. When appropriate, funded proposals are Promoted to Projects Database.

Final Revision Phase

To allow PIs to make adjustments to their proposals via the Control Panel, toggle the associated call's Final Revision Phase value to 'active'.

Preparing Proposals for Omnibus

For each Full Proposal that is to be included in the Omnibus, you must:

  1. Omnibus Settings: Toggle “Include in Omnibus” to 'Yes'
  2. Omnibus Settings: Assign its order within the Omnibus (e.g. the proposal listed first in a Table of Contents will have an order value of 1). It's easier to order Omnibus proposals by filtering for just proposals Included in Omnibus, and then switching to Table View.
  3. Assign each Omnibus proposal values for Project Code, Project Integer, Project Status, Grant Number, and Revision Date (if applicable). 90-2 grant number assignment automatically updates a proposal's 90-4 grant numbers for the current omnibus cycle.
  4. Generate coverpages for sub-award 90-4s. [ see [Budget Management in FMP] ]

Omnibus Generation

The current Omnibus is comprised of two narratives, the Project Narrative and Budget Narrative.  

For each narrative,

  1. Compile all parts for a narrative into a single PDF, using the guides below. I recommend compiling by section (1-5), and then compiling sections 1-5 into one PDF.
  2. Delete blank pages
  3. Number pages
  4. Update Table of Contents

html: Security restricted macro is not allowed. An edit restriction is required that matches the macro authorization list.

<TABLE border="1" bordercolor="#CCCCCC" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<TR><TD align="center" colspan="3" mce_style="text-align:center;" style="text-align:center;"><SPAN mce_style="color: #0000ff;" style="color: #0000ff;"><B>Blue</B></SPAN> = Word or PDF template (provided by each SG program)     /    <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;"><B>Red</B></SPAN> = eSG Report Output</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD colspan="2"><B>A. Project Narrative Parts </B></TD><TD><B> Notes</B></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;" width="6%"><B>1.</B></TD><TD width="47%"><SPAN mce_style="color: #0000ff;" style="color: #0000ff;">Table of Contents </SPAN></TD><TD width="47%"> ← Table of Contents uses "TOC_project_narrative.doc"</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>2.</B></TD><TD>Letter of Intent, Program Office Response to Letter of Intent </TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>3.</B></TD><TD><B>Program Management </B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;"> 90-2, coverpage, narrative </SPAN></TD><TD> ← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → "All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)" </TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD> Organization, Staffing, and Management </TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD> Management Objectives and Plans </TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;"> CV </SPAN></TD><TD> ← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → "All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)" </TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>4.</B></TD><TD><B>Program Development, Extension, Education, Communications </B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD> For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;">90-2, coverpage(s), narrative, schedule, Cvs, letters of support </SPAN></TD><TD> ← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → "All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)" </TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>5.</B></TD><TD><B>Research </B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><I> New Projects </I></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD> For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #0000ff;" style="color: #0000ff;">Titlepage</SPAN>, <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;">90-2, coverpage(s), narrative, schedule, Cvs, letters of support </SPAN></TD><TD> ← Titlepage uses "title_page_template.pdf"; rest is generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → "All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)" </TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><I> Continuing Projects </I></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD> For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: #800000;">90-2, coverpage(s), narrative, schedule, Cvs, letters of support </SPAN></TD><TD> ← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → "All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)" </TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD colspan="2"><B>B. Budget Narrative Parts </B></TD><TD><B> Notes</B></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;" width="6%"><B>1.</B></TD><TD width="47%"><SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">Table of Contents (Report "Omnibus Table of Contents - Budget Summaries")</SPAN></TD><TD width="47%">← generated via FMP report: Reports → “Omnibus Table of Contents – Budget Summaries”</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>2.</B></TD><TD>Fringe Benefits Calculation, Indirect Cost Rate Agreement</TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>3.</B></TD><TD><B>Program Management, Program Development, Extension, Education, Communications</B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD>For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">Overall 90-4, 90-4s, budget justification, CP Support</SPAN></TD><TD>← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → “All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)”</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>4.</B></TD><TD><B>Research</B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><I>New Projects</I></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD>For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">Overall 90-4, 90-4s, budget justification, CP Support</SPAN></TD><TD>← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → “All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)”</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><I>Continuing Projects</I></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD>For each: <SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">Overall 90-4, 90-4s, budget justification, CP Support</SPAN></TD><TD>← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → “All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)”</TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"><B>5.</B></TD><TD><B>Future Competitive Apps</B></TD><TD></TD></TR>
<TR valign="top"><TD mce_style="text-align:right;" style="text-align:right;"></TD><TD><SPAN mce_style="color: #800000;" style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">Overall 90-4</SPAN></TD><TD>← generated via FMP report: Full Proposals → “All parts for this proposal (inc. 90-4s)”</TD></TR>


Promoting Funded Proposals to Projects Database

When appropriate, you may promote a proposal to the Project Management database using the 'Promote' button in FMP, found on the right of each full proposal. Promoting a proposal does not affect its integrity in the RFP database, with two exceptions being the transfer of CV / resumes and full proposal pdfs from RFP to Project Management databases (see below).

Promoting a proposal involves the following:

  1. Project Information: A new project is created in the Project Management database, and relevant 90-2 information is copied from the RFP database.
  2. Investigators: If a proposal investigator is not yet in the Project Management database (based on email address; see RFP System Overview), they are added to it using their identity in the RFP database, and their CV / resume is MOVED from the RFP database. If a proposal investigator is already in the Project Management database, then their Project Management identity is updated with new information from their RFP identity, and their CV / resume is MOVED.
  3. Full Proposals: The compiled full proposal pdf uploaded by the eSG Admin is MOVED from the RFP database to the Project Management database.
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