Managing Your References: Overview of EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, and Mendeley -- Register
Fri, Oct 12, 12:00-1:15pm, 14N-132
Contact: Remlee Green,
Using citation management software to create and maintain a collection of references or PDFs is becoming more common and important in today’s academic world. These software packages (EndNote, RefWorks, Zotero, & Mendeley) allow users to search databases, retrieve relevant citations, and build a bibliography to be added to a paper or thesis or stored for future reference. But which software package should you use, and how do you get started?
Please register for this session.
Zotero Basics -- Register
Mon, Oct 15, 12:00-1:00pm, 14N-132
Contact: Mat Willmott,
Zotero is a free, open-source program that helps you collect, manage, cite, and share your citations and files. With one click, you can save PDFs and citations for most articles, then cite them in Word or OpenOffice. Make a searchable PDF library and find out how to publish dynamic bibliographies and collaborate by using group collections. In this hands-on session, learn tips and tricks on how to use Zotero more efficiently to save you time and energy. Bring a laptop or use one of our computers.
Please register for this session.
Patent Searching Fundamentals -- Register
Date: Oct 16, 12:00-1:00pm, 14N-132
Contact: Howard Silver,
While you won’t come out of this session qualified to be a patent attorney, you will be able to successfully find patent references from all over the world and know how to obtain patent text and diagrams. The session will be a hands-on practicum that will help de-mystify the patent literature and expose attendees to key resources for finding patents through free resources available on the web.
Please register for this session.
EndNote Basics Register Thu Oct 18, 4:00 – 5:00 pm, 14N-132
Contact: Peter Cohn, |
EndNote is a “personal bibliographic software” package which allows you to create and manage a database of bibliographic references. Learn how to find and use information more effectively in our hands-on workshop.
Please register for this session.
*Mendeley Basics Register Mon, Oct 29, 4:00-5:00pm, 14N-132
Contact: Peter Cohn, |
Mendeley is a free tool that can help you organize and manage your citations and PDFs. Learn how to use Mendeley to discover the latest research, collaborate with others, and automatically generate bibliographies.
Please register for this session.
For a complete listing of October workshops see:
Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions take place in the Digital Instruction Resource Center (DIRC), 14N-132.