Notes from meeting with Rod Brooks - 5/19/05
Related CSAIL initiatives
- Quanta T-Party
- RoofNet - infrastructure for community involvement - (Robert Morris)
- Nokia
- H-P Halo Room - high cost to deploy and operate
- Oxygen II - focus on the home - education, entertainment, personal health - people are ready for infusing technology into the home
MIT has lost the close relationships between undergrad's and faculty. How could we re-enable that - pilot faculty-student virtual meeting groups - online presence, virtual meeting times.
Alumni engagement - facilitate communications for alumni groups that are leaders in certain fields - housing for elder alumni (Gray)
Revitalize physical learning - incoming students are used to the virtual world - MIT offers opportunities to build things - solar car, robots, etc - what are the courses, clubs, IAP events that do this - how can we facilitate group communication (Gershenfeld)