Yesterday's Alfresco meeting focused around identifying a POC milestone in several of our key feature areas.  This milestone is scheduled for March 8. We will schedule a demo and hands on test with CSS to get feedback.We also raised some issues that were not resolved, need to be investigated.
POC goals:

Content Porting (A-P):
  - template 2.0 in progress, generic enough to be able to be applied to a fairly large set of pages
  - a subset of existing content turned into the appropriate XML, able to be edited, previewed, etc, and new content created of a similar type.
  - may delay developing the Ultimate Template in order to have a demo-able subset, but this is a reasonable tradeoffITinfo (sturner):
  - mock it up as a separate alfresco web project -- in alfresco xforms OR custom wizard, with editing, previewing, etc.
  - questions:  how to redploy content until Alfresco module available? how to integrate w/SVN & alfresco? should alfresco be the runtime server for content? flush out all issues.

WF (Janet):
- one basic WF based on CSS input, able to be demonstrated for on some IS&T documents using the webforms.
- issues:
    - can WF be applied by proj? content type/template?
    - custom actions? (programmatic response to event)
    - multiple WF per obj/site?
    - their current "stop the server" approach is lameGaps (jcalz):
    - have a "regenerate my output" button that applies to files, directories, projects, using custom actions/content rules/workflow/whatever as required

Admin (hunter):
- install new Enterprise 2.0, with separate Oracle db just for kicks.

-- END POC --

deployment: what's our stopgap until Alfresco CD is available?
 - note: CD planned for 2.01, we may be able to get a preview if we were willing to take source code.Questions about how content will be delivered in a fully dynamic

 - every page on Stellar is gen'ed dynamically, grabbing objects from cache as xml, run thru xslt to presentQuestion re: alfresco as a repository long-term (not particularly for IS&T): what's going on w/iecm & jsr283

  - look into customizing tinyMCE for better behavior

  - can we put in our own search to drop in links? (this is a major goal for 2.01) can we preview images?

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