3rd Down Play
Group Members
- Calvin Lewis (supacoo@mit.edu)
- Seth Booth (sethtb@mit.edu)
- Ibrahim Abdussabur (ibrahima@mit.edu)
- TA: _ ()
Problem Statement
Are you on the third down with your homework and almost ready to punt it? One of the most challenging aspects of MIT is the psets and doing them alone or without a large enough group just makes it worse. Especially if you happen to be sitting somewhere in the student center where it is extremely unlikely that you are the only one struggling with your specific pset. What we propose is Web app designed for MIT students to find other MIT students (TA's and professors are surely welcome as well!) that are working on the same pset or have taken that particular class and can offer some help.
GR1 - User and Task Analysis
GR2 - Designs
GR3 - Paper Prototyping
More coming soon
GR4 - Computer Prototyping
More coming soon
GR5 - Implementation
More coming soon
GR6 - User Testing
More coming soon