Adding a new application
Add application to
In order to add a new application, it should first be configured to run on the Bamboo Continuous Integration Server. (TODO: Add Link to Bamboo setup here).
Add application (and any new components) to maven releases project
The maven releases project is a pom file (pom.xml) located at svn+ssh:// All projects and components of projects which are built through the release process must be registered in this pom.xml file. The 3 pieces of information you will need to know to register your projects are
- The maven groupid of your project
- The maven artifactid of your project
- The svn location of your project's trunk directory. This should include the prefix "scm:svn:" for svn+ssh protocols. All projects in subversion should use the standard "trunk, tags, branches" layout.
In the example below, we are registering a project with groupId="", artifactId="academic-transcripts-web" and subversion url="svn+ssh://"
<releaseComponent implementation=""> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>academic-transcripts-web</artifactId> <scm> <developerConnection>scm:svn:svn+ssh://</developerConnection> </scm> </releaseComponent>
When you have registered the releaseCompent(s), commit your changes to trunk. To test your changes, navigate to, and click on the link "Build a Release".
Configure Application in Moves
(TODO: show how to configure containers and apps)