DRS - Work Completed
FY2009 - Quarter 2
Data Warehouse:
Documented Data Warehouse requirements for a new job scheduler.
Identified two candidates to test.
Performance Tuning:
Continued working with Steve Szymanski to tune performance of large table and views, access control, and index creation.
Training and Events Management (in support of HR, IS&T and EHS):
Analyze, design, and implement (extract & load) Catalog and Session data.
Analyze, design, and implement (extract & load) Qualification data.
Analyze, design, and implement (extract & load) Registrations and Wait List data.
HR & Benefits:
Analyze and add Cost Sharing data for medical plan (retirees and subscribers)
Analyzed, designed, and implemented new Benefits reporting functionality for the Benefits Office, HR and Institutional Research. This new functionality incorporates the new Race/Ethnicity and Veteran data models in HR tables and IR (Institute Reporting) tables and views
Analyzed, designed and implemented additional IR functionality for IPEDS reporting.
Analyzed the InsideMIT Portal Project requirements for employee Created a new view to simplify data feed.
SAP Related Support:
Testing Year-end SAP Support Packs - testing all SAP/DW extracts to ensure that extracted data files with support packs applied matched extracted data files generated prior to support pack application. Modified data extracts where appropriate to resolve data differences or performance issues.
Provided data custodians with a environment and data for testing the SAP Support Packs and DW data.
Continue to work on SANDI, analyzing and resolving PAID vs. DISTRIBUTED vs. POSTED payroll issues (with CAO and SAIS).
Drafted a functional specification document for the new SANDI and sent it to the Assistant Deans for approval.
Modified scripts that load the 4 payroll Access control backup tables to improve performance.
Reviewed and refined extract of payroll authorizations from Roles DB.
Corrected problem discovered by CAO with clearing data in FINANCIAL DETAIL
Participated in the Libraries Aleph upgrade project (due to go-live in January). Made required modifications (changes included: data types, field structures and lengths, redesigned the existing OTI process to handle the 'multiple sessions' change introduced by the upgrade).
Documented all steps and activities to be performed when moving modifications to production.
Met with Lody Petriv to discuss Nimbus Budget Data re-design in DW.
Analyzed and documented existing/current process. Submitted document to the Budget Office for review.
Added more confidential flags (date of birth, degrees received, dates of attendance) as requested by the Registrar.
Analyzed, documented and implemented the changes to tables/views/load processes required in support of the new double major indicator.
Modified the NSC Core Data Feed so that it will not send graduated and withdraw students again in the same term.
Analyze and design student grade data (including degree audit and GIR) in preparation for loading the data into the Data Warehouse and making it available where required (MDS-OME).
Analyzed, designed and implemented changes requested to student tuition and fees.
Request Tracker:
Modify current processesto handle an incoming file which contains obsolete tickets to delete from the RT DW tables.
Completed the analysis and requirements gathering exercise documenting all current and future state requirements for the CSAIL forecasting project.
We also research and documented all major Performance Point issues related to this project.
Participated in the first meeting of the Claude Canizares research committee charged with developing an enterprise forecasting solution for research centers and DLC's similar to the current ISN departmental solution.
Began the analysis and requirements gathering exercise to document all current and future state requirements for the IS&T Finance Forecasting project.
Complete testing and migration of the Roles DB test and production servers to new hardware and new version of Oracle (10g).
Rolled out the Rules authorization engine to the Libraries. This allows the libraries to grant authorizations to a broader set of community members based on access rules rather than individual authorizations.
Enhanced the Roles DB Quarterly statistics web report to add statistics for day-of-week and hour-of-day as requested by OIS.
Create a Graduate Student Appt report for Aero & Astro that includes the Research Supervisor.
Create a set of statistical reports for the Assistant Deans and Provost's Office.
Develop and deliver a customized Brio Class for Procurement.
Deliver revised phase I dashboard to the Media Lab.
Deliver completed reporting specification documents to the Assistant Deans for approval and sign off.
Managed Data Services - OME:
Create the initial OME conceptual & physical data models. Implement physical data model.
Document and create required roles in the rolesdb.
Setup crontab to allow for scheduled jobs to run on MDS server.
Create specific OME student tables in the DW for use in the Filemaker application.
Document required OME Access to Student Data for approval by the Registrar and Admissions.
Begin discussion with SSIT to analyze and extract grades data.
Opendata Wiki:
Create process to extract Subjects by Term data daily from the DW and load it onto the OpenData Wiki.
Create process documentation for the "Warehouse Repository" on the OpenData Wiki.
Completed work/participation in Kuali Student Release 1.