This is a first cut at a physical data model representing the current (November 2006) ITInfo Filemaker database. The diagram encompasses the "Stock Answers" and "Product Support Sheet Listings" applications.

The diagram only shows the entities, attributes and a rudimentary view of relationships. Cardinality is not shown yet - I aim to get access to the database in the next few days and extend the diagram.

Here's the diagram:

Steve Turner
November 17, 2006

UPDATE (December 5)

I've now been delving into the Filemaker database and am finding things not documented in my original attempt at this diagram. Please consider the link above as an incomplete first draft - I will be updating.


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1 Comment

  1. Jeff Reed of DCAD has some thoughts also, that new fields should be added, specifically to the Software area. You might want to validate with him where this new information would come forom, etc.