Met in FSAE Battery Room in Milkdrop (N51 3rd floor).
- Ethan - Confluence admin
- Jeremy - Solidworks, HSMWorks, EPDM setup & support
- Anna - Video work later
- CAD - Solidworks 2017
- CAM - HSMWorks latest revision
- Version Control - EPDM
- Communication - Messenger, Email
- Pictures - Google Photos shared album
- Introduced Confluence
- Lots of workspace - primarily in N51 due to access and machine capabilities outside of LMP hours. Will need to 3D print elsewhere
- Discussed platforms, skills
- Ethan and Jeremy have access to machines & skills to teach to other members
- We can work quickly and efficiently on machining, waterjet, lathe in N51.
- Ideas:
- Beaver (MIT)
- Star wars
- Pineapple
- Poker Chip (Jane Street)
- Bitcoin/Eth
- Globe
- We have decided on the Bitcoin/Eth/Dogecoin theme
- Keep simple so we can finish early (2.009 folks really busy near/in December)
- Team Name:
- 007 james bond theme, but 008
- YoYo Masters
- Tropical Escape
Final choices:
Team Name: Tropical Escape
Theme of Ideas: Bitcoin
Post 1: photos with team names, short description
Post 2: Explanation of themes, pictures of ideas
- Jeremy will send an email with instructions for EPDM, Solidworks install, HSM works install.
- Ethan will post the blog posts
- Everyone will send photos of their sketches/ideas to the Messenger group for Ethan to upload
- Ethan will create a shared album and invite everyone to it.
- At next lab - ask Joe about what the criteria are for grading.