FSX staff meeting
July 21, 2009

Attending: Ranjani, John, Alex, Tommy, Joyce, Joanne, Jon, Oliver

* Heather Anne Drupal training
	- Not yet ready
	- Who wants editor privileges?
		Oliver Thomas
		Ranjani Saigal
		Jon Reed
		Alex Prengel

* Wikis 3.0 update
	- Kickoff meeting update
	- New version test mode at 
	- Jeff Pankin Quickstarts
	- Should we do an FSX only quickstart?
	- Jon will ask Jeff Pankin to see if he's willing to do an early
	- Plan is to go with a service desk triage model for wikis.mit.edu
	  support, with the SD escalating ed tech related things as

* Connie Beal in Langer lab meeting
	- Comments in wiki page
	- 3 questions
		- Document mgmt
		- Collaborative proposal writing
		- Knowledge management
	- Ranjani will also check with Jim
	- Will need to be careful to suggest only solutions that are
	  actually sustainable and managemeble for them (since there is no
	  real local IT support); central support or off the shelf preferred
* Macintosh software (alexp)
	- Quick win major discovery
	- Running Mac OS software out of OpenAFS
	- Install OpenAFS
	- Copy install directory of app to AFS locker
	- Some apps just work
	- Some apps require you to locate license file, etc.
	- MATLAB more challenging, paths to installation in tree written
		- Installing into OpenAFS seems to work
		- Getting OpenAFS paths to appear in installer is tricky
	- Concerns
		- Apps are currently out there for people to find
		- Will not work for Apple installers under /Library
		- Relies on OpenAFS on Mac which is not supported
			- "Supported" in the context of DUSP labs / Duncan's MacAthena
			- "Supported" in the context of New Media Center machines
			- No general support
		- Alex will put ACL in place on lockers he has been
		  experimenting with so folks don't stumble across them and
		  start using them; will initially limit use to fsx, jrcain
		- Limiting access to specific machines (for example, new media
		  center) is possible but requires a manual step with ops for
		  each machine (creating PTS entry for an IP ACL); not scalable
		  but may support a specific experiment such as a small number
		  of deployed Macs
	- May want to officially charter formal project for supported,
	  deployable Mac config (MacAthena)
* Roundtable
	- John
		- Windows RIS installations should become possible by the end of
		  this month when Richard will install 755 drivers
	- Alex P
		- Unauthorized MATLAB license server users
			- Physics Junior Lab; not sure where they got it from
			- May have requested Athena license server usage but were
			  told no?
			- About 10-30 licenses used in such a way
			- Our message in the past may have been "even though its for
			  a class, it's strictly departmental use and they should
			  buy their own"
		- MATLAB windows and mac versions
			- Info went to Alex rather than Jon Reed
			- Atticus put installer for full version together
			- If we need to we can go live with the full version and say
			  there is no light version
			- Only reason for light was to reduce download size and save
			  disk space
			- Difficult to go between light and full without a full
	- Tommy
		- Get SunBlades from DLCs; pretty good progress
		- New uses for 14-0637
			- MacAthena?
	* Joanne
		- New campus map now shows Athena clusters and N42
		- Old campus map at whereis.mit.edu and shows Beta link to new map
		- Back to school and orientation exercises
			- Pages which provide signup place and information on orientation
			- ALL: please review these:			

	* Jon R
		- Stata machines aren't accessible due to lock covering power button
		- Libraries only have email address
		- Should public computing machines have their power button accessible
		- Windows does not allow Ctrl-Alt-Del
		- Sign that machines are not maintained by IS&T
		- Access to reset button

	* 14-0637
		- No immediate risk of losing space
		- 14 will become library space long term (5-10 years)
		- Want to collaborate with Libraries on attractive teaching
		  technology space, classroom (for GIS use among others)

  • No labels