The latest version of our application, CollegeRoute, was tested in Chrome and can be accessed at this url: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/collegeroute.

Team Contributions

Here is a brief overview of a few specific things that each team member did for the prototypes. We all discussed design and everyone touched parts of everything.

  • Handled the calendar API and adding and removing events to trips and styling of the calendar elements.
  • Implemented various versions of the event selection page throughout iterations of the prototype.
  • Styled many of the pages, adjusted colors/button placement and layout
  • Finalized layout of the selecting schools page with the map and panels on the left where school are added/removed from the selections
  • Did the layout and implementations of home page with the find schools button and advanced search critera
  • Formatted and styled the last page and added features like hover color and tab styling to tabs on final page
  • Created the logo among other styling contributions and design choices
  • Designed the "Review Itinerary" text format to make it readable
  • Took care of all of the django backend parts of the website and made data from the pages carry through the website/AJAX interactions for saving trips
  • Implemented the search algorithm to narrow schools by inputted school criteria
  • Handled the google maps API to select schools (added features like infobubbles to map icons and updating the list of schools based on map view). Also used google maps for the route presented on the final itinerary page.
  • Set up user accounts and login/logout capabilities
  • Implemented the final page passing data between the different views of the trip and adding functionality.
  • Allows the user to update the trip name and implemented autosave
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (jks@mit.edu)

    Overall: Excellent website, where you've tackled difficult data visualization and interaction problems involving location (mapping schools) and time (itinerary planning).

    • Presentation:
      • Great guided tour with working examples of search and itinerary planning for Boston-area schools.
    • Usability:
      • Excellent UI for filling in student profile and searching/selecting schools based on area and fit.
      • Safety: reversibility of selecting schools and dates is important, think of a way to allow the user to make these changes by going back from / directly on the itinerary planning page
      • Learnability: More affordances and feedback for saving events to my itinerary.
      • Visibility problem: not obvious to the user how choosing dates influences the itinerary planning page.
      • Route is a good idea, but unclear how it helps the user right now. Two possibilities: (1) show geographic locations to help the user choose visiting order or (2) show itinerary route AFTER they have chosen their visiting order. In the case of (1), you might not want to show route, but instead just show locations plotted on the map (as in the search). In either case, show more information about what the markers mean.
      • Login popup isn't gridded well, and error on login doesn't give enough feedback, just navigates the entire page to another login screen.
    • Completeness:
      • Waiting page is a good idea, and you should fix bug where it doesn't immediately appear.