Level |
Page title |
requested change |
date requested |
comments |
date finished |
1.1 |
Capture and Delivery |
index.html |
After "Who will record it?", insert "Are there any accessibility concerns?", with 'accessibility' linked to accessibility.html |
6/7/10 |
note accessibility.html page has not been created yet |
6/10/10 RS |
1.1 |
Capture and Deliver |
index.html |
the Jump To links on this page (and all pages in the portal) need to click to the real pages. Accessibility needs to click to accessibility.html, etc. |
6/10/10 |
6/15/10 RS |
1.1 |
Plan |
plan.html |
In Left Navigation, make 'Video' clickable, returning you to portal home page |
6/8/10 |
done |
6/10/10 RS |
1.1 |
Plan |
plan.html |
hyperlink underlines need to be fixed. |
6/17/10 |
1.2 |
Capture |
capture.html |
Need the D.I.Y content from Kris & Kate. |
6/7/10 |
6/15/10 K & K |
1.3 |
Edit |
edit.html |
content on edit.html is currently the same as content on plan.html. Need to swap back in the original content |
6/7/10 |
done |
6/10/10 RS |
1.4 |
Encode |
encode.html |
1.5 |
Trans |
transcribe.html |
1.6 |
Deliver |
deliver.html |
hyperlink underlines need to be fixed. More spacing between sub-headers |
6/17/10 |
2 |
Conferencing |
same content on conferencing as on Distance Learning |
6/16/10 |
3 |
Distance Learning |
same content on conferencing as on Distance Learning |
6/16/10 |
Jump To |
1 |
Accessibility |
accessibility.html |
we need this page created. Kate will do. |
6/16/10 K |
2 |
permissions/copyright/ student privacy |
privacy.html |
will include permissions, copyright and student privacy. |
6/8/10 |
we need this page created. Ann will do |
6/16/10 AW |
3 |
Standards for physical media |
create stand-alone page called 'physical-media.html' |
6/8/10 |
we need this page created. Copy is here |
6/16/10 KB |
4 |
output standards |
5 |
video production checklist |
video-production-checklist.htm |
need to transfer copy on this page here so that it is part of current site as a standalone page. |
6/8/10 |
6/16/10 KB |
1 |
Why can't I publish to iTUnes U? |
2 |
Can someone tape my lecture? |
3 |
Where can I edit my video? |
4 |