Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Time: 9am - 5pm (Continental Breakfast at 8:30am)
Location: Stata Center, building 32. Badge pickup outside of Kirsch Auditorium (32-123)
- The IT Partners full day conference will feature presentations and training sessions on a variety of important topics.
- We are pleased to announce that our keynote speaker will be Dr. Joel Brenner, Research Fellow, Center for International Studies.
- As always, if you have specific suggestions in regards to topics you would like to see at future IT Partners events, please email the IT Partners Planning Team at
We hope to see you on June 13th! Send your RSVP (accepts only) to
To register, please send email to
Schedule: to be posted
Session Descriptions
Ever changing: 2017 IT Partners Conference Schedule with Descriptions
h2. Presentations
Will be posted after the conference.