Move functional demos to PMs, instead of developers
Need access controlled area for customer discussions

Training people want to work with us.
Need quickstart tutorials.

Need or <domain> to give unauthenticated/unauthorized users a graceful experience.

Can use Spasm for new PM tool?

public domain:

Self-registering page
Browse as guest option
fill in kerberos ID
personal info
self-register should not have ability to register as domain admin
Standard dublin core metadata - no customizable metadata - just flat level tagging
Can users see other users? Make clear in TOS that you can be visible.
Standard metadata for bulk upload
not specifying tags in bulk upload.
Download metadata template - sample file.
comment out some explanatory text in sample

Desireable feature: URL access to individual images.
change access control from library to individual images
design sprint 2, implement sprint 3

Moira groups for acccess control - ldap?

Play slideshows on iPhone

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