AMISR Summer School - 2008
Amisr links
Beams = General Amisr info =
Recommended Radar Books
1) Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar (Artech, 1998)
2) Levanon, Radar Principles (Wiley, 1988)
3) Mahafza, Radar Signal Analysis and Processing Using MATLAB (Chapman & Hall, 2008)
4) Skolnik, Introduction to radar principles (McGraw-Hill, 2002)
5) Skolnik, Radar Handbook (McGraw-Hill, 2008)
6) Rihaczek, Principles of High Resolution Radar (Artech House, 1996)
Summer School Schedule
AMISR Summer School July 7-11, 2008 MIT Haystack Observatory
09:00-09:15 Breakfast provided at Haystack
09:15-09:30 Welcome, organize car drivers, set up computers and introduction to MIT Haystack, introduce director of MIT Haystack ... [Anthea Coster]
09:30-10:15 Basic RADAR I [Josh Semeter] Semeter_Radar_Basic_Concepts.pdf
10:15-10:30 BREAK
10:30-12:00 ISR Theory I [Anja Stromme]
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided at Haystack including Haystack REUs
13:00-13:30 Divide into groups; organize computer stuff
13:30-14:45 Using Madrigal practically and productively [Groups 1,2] –OR- Millstone Tour [Group3]
14:45-16:15 Using Madrigal practically and productively [Groups 2,3] –OR- Millstone Tour [Group1]
16:15-17:30 Using Madrigal practically and productively [Groups 1,3] –OR- Millstone Tour [Group2]
18:30-XXXX Staff dinner at Anthea's house [fancy pizza]
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided at Haystack
09:00-10:00 Basic Ionospheric Physics [Anthea Coster] IntroIono.pdf Movies at: or
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 ISR Theory II [Phil Erickson] attachment:erickson_radar_1.pdf
11:15-12:00 Data Analysis and Fitting I [Phil Erickson/Josh Semeter] see above for slides
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided at Haystack including Haystack REUs
13:00-17:30 Experiment Design and Submission [Anja Stromme/Elizabeth Kendall]
Look at AMISR web site ( Each group should plan their own experiment prior to 5pm. They should then email their experiment proposal to both Anja Stromme and Elizabeth Kendall
18:00-XXXX Dinner provided at Haystack for all; includes entire Millstone Atm. Sci. Grp.
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided at Haystack
09:00-10:00 Data Analysis and Fitting II [Josh Semeter] Semeter_Radar_Signal_Processing.pdf
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:15 Data Analysis and Fitting III [Phil Erickson/Josh Semeter] attachment:erickson_radar_2.pdf
11:15-12:00 Other Instrumentation at Poker Flat [Elizabeth Kendall] PokerFlatInstruments.pdf
12:00-13:30 Lunch provided at Haystack including Haystack REUs
13:30-17:30 Data Retrieval and Analysis [Bill Rideout/Anthea Coster/all course staff]
18:30-XXXX Student cookout dinner at Anthea's house [rain date: Thursday evening]
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided at Haystack
09:00-10:00 Advanced ISR Techniques and Standardized Grid Processing [John Holt]
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-10:30 Jicamarca ISR [Ronald Ilma]
10:15-10:45 Science with a Classic ISR: Examples from UAF Chain [Anthea Coster] Mid-Latitude_ISR_Science.pdf
10:45-12:00 AMISR Science Results [Anja Stromme]
12:00-13:00 Lunch provided at Haystack including Haystack REUs
13:00-17:30 Presentation Preparation [All course staff]
FRIDAY July 11
08:30-09:00 Breakfast provided at Haystack
09:00-09:45 Student Presentations
09:45-10:15 BREAK
10:15-12:00 Student Presentations; Summary and Evaluations
12:00-13:30 Lunch at Haystack and adjourn