Meeting Minutes - Take minutes during meetings. BOT, EOT, Post-Prod, and Retreat minutes should end up on the wiki.
Reserve Rooms - Reserve rooms if the Stage Manager is not at MIT student or unavailable during the day.
Respond to Emails - Respond to emails sent to ensemble-request.
Documents - Be responsible for all the documents relevant to the Ensemble, such as this one.
Mailing Lists
ensemble-town-crier alias for town-crier for show publicity
ensemble-new we are gradually getting rid of this list
ensemble-interest contains cpw and midway interest from each year
ensemble-tech phase out this list?
ensemble-audition phase out this list?
ensemble-directors those who have worked with us
ensemble-director-search those who interviewed and who we liked
ensemble-directors-request for managing the director lists
Theater Arts
Reserving Rooms
Opening the CAC Books
CAC books are usually opened progressivly. For example, you may only be able to reserve 5 rooms at first, then 10 more, then 40 more. Rules change year to year.
FIRST PRIORITIES: Summer, IAP, REX, CPW (you may not actually be able to reserve these at the time of the books opening)
SECOND PRIORITY: PDR4 (Put-in), Rehearsal Spaces
Start by getting good rooms close to tech week. Then work backward, starting with getting all the Thursdays (since these are usually hardest to get), then the rest of the days.
Schedules office rooms
Schedules office rooms can be requested far in advance, but might not be approved until closer to the actual date.
Record rooms when you've requested them here, since they won't be recorded anywhere else except your e-mail.
Reserve rooms here
Special Reservations
Summer Reservations can be attempted a few weeks in advance of the "Opening of the Books."
Mike Enos (menos@mit) is the person to contact about cube reservation.