UN Oceans
- umbrella organization
*In UN, no treaty, law, etc can be passed until at least 30 countries ratify it
UN Treaty against whaling exists
We will propose a new treaty as opposed to creating a supplementary treaty under the Law of the Sea, as a supplementary treaty already exists, and ours would be more specific in terms of recommendations
- We shall call for a convention in which our treaty may be debated
- Our suggestions will not threaten sovereignty of individual nations
- Perhaps 'expand' aspects of Magnuson-Stevens Act on a global scale
Magnuson-Stevens Act
- Americans allowed 'first right' to fishing within American waters
- Foreign fishing vessels must allow Americans to oversee their actions
- Secretary of State to publish a list of countries employing illegal fishing methods (ex. use of environmentally harmful fishing nets- 2.5 km drift nets)
- Secretary of State to issue a report of all marine resources within US territory to be published every two years
- US does not trade with nations violating international fishing regulations
- Secretary of State will continue to identify countries that violate international regulations
- Any entity allowed to fish in US waters must promote fishing safety, fishery conservation and management as well as comply with a list of regulations outlined by the relevant council and the Secretary of State
- Opinions of fishermen to be taken into account
- All fishing vessels within US waters must be registered
- Fish population is decreasing- overfishing
- Coral Reef dying
- Biodiversity is decreasing
- Composition of water changing (salinity)- eutrophication
- The human population is increasing (especially in developing sountries)- fish demand is increasing
- Flag-Hopping
- Technology worsens overfishing
- Not enough scientific data about the ocean
- Invasive species
- Genetic composition of fish changing
- Food web/ecosystem changing
- Ignorance and apathy of people
- End Overfishing
- Taxes/quotas/subsidies
- Fair trade
- New Technology
- Raise Awareness/Education
- Marine Protected Areas
- Management
- Preserve Ecosystems
- New technology/ less destruction
- Climate
- Riparian Buffers
- Management
- Education
- Stop Invasive Species
- Fish tracking
- Curb Pollution
- Other land-based activities that disturb the oceans
- Replace Food
- Aquaculture
- Research/Non-fish
- Education
- Consequences
- Cultural changes
- Job loss
- Raise Awareness (Education)
- More Research
- Fish tracking
- Non-fish alternatives
- A.U.Vs
- treaty
Attendance List
Alex Jordan
Sean Wahl
Adam Bockelie
Alex Vai
Vrajesh Modi
Eva Cheung
Brian Ross
Somani Patnaik
Sarah McDermott
Sameer Hirji
Danielle Whited
Matt Rodriguez
Tracey Hayse
Alex Piotrowski
Dhaval Adjodah
Amy Jacobi
Sivakami Sambasivam
Ivy Huang