For the most comprehensive overview, please see refer to all of the wiki pages. Our application is intended to help housing managers view and organize repair requests. A housing manager would use this to organize, assign, and keep record of repair jobs submitted through the MIT Fixit web application. For the purposes of this prototype, you are logged in as Michael McIntyre -- housing manager of McCormick Hall.
For best results use Chrome version 26 on a mac with OS X.
Go to: http://mv.ezproxy.com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/mit_fixit/src/index.html
You may:
- View a list of jobs.
- View detailed information on specific jobs.
- Star a particular job.
- Assign a worker to a specific job.
- Add updates to a specific job.
- Search jobs by name/content.
- View and search address book.
- Use left-hand tabs for filtering jobs.
You may not (yet):
- Add new jobs.
- Receive notifications for job updates.
- Add new contacts to the address book.
- Be redirected to another website, an email client, or a phone client by clicking on contacts in the address book.