Creating a Timer
Sharing a Timer
Viewing All Timers
John is working on the second problem set for UI. He wants to create a timer to remind him of the deadline. One of his friends always turns her assignments in late, so he wants to be able to send her the timer to remind her of her deadline. Both he and his friend then want to be able to view the timer, along with timers for other deadlines.
Design 1
In this design, the user primarily interacts with two pages--a “Timers List” page and “View/Create/Edit A Timer” page. The collapsing of the viewing, creating, and editing actions into one view is done for internal consistency.
Timers Have One User-Specific Boolean States:
- Proposed By Another User/Accepted/Ignored
And Two Global States:* Completed/Not Completed
- Expiring/UpcomingOn the “Timers List” page, users can filter timers based on these states. Users share timers by providing email addresses of other users. If a user with that email address exists, the timer will be added to their “Timers List” in the “proposed by another user” state.
Going to the website takes John to the “Timers List” page. Here, John wants to create a new timer, so he clicks on the “Create New Timer” button.
This takes him to the “View/Create/Edit A Timer” page, where John fills out the details of the event and clicks Done,” which takes him back to the “Timers List” page.
Now, John’s group members see the proposed timer on their “Timers List” page. By clicking the question mark icon to the right of the timer name, they can change the timer’s state from “proposed” to “upcoming.”