December 19, 2007
Rotch conference room, 10am-11:30
Present: A Rostoff, M Szarko, A Perkins, M Bartley, R Green, A Locknar, P Cohn, H McCann, G McReynolds
Minutes: Angie
- RG - looking into subject pages with Nicole
- Cookiefest today!
- IAP poster budget approved, IAP people working on it
- ISG (reported by AP) - Document delivery coordinating group will be launched. Subgroup on Service Promotion: to create publicity tools, Meeting with Stellar people about embedding library link to stellar pages.
- PSLG doing a review of their committee, PC is the liaison between PSLG and RISG
Draft Instruction Assessment Survey --Feedback on the draft survey that will be launched during IAP
Update on draft implementation plan for system-wide instruction plan I'm attaching a draft of the plan. Steve also wants a more graphic timeline which I'm working on in excel. I'll probably have a draft for the meeting.
Spring Seminar planning --Brainstorming topics/speakers/timing
Wiki training with Remlee