Good Communication That Blocks Learning
by Argyris, Chris, Harvard Business Review, Jul/Aug94, Vol. 72 Issue 4, p77, 9p
The article discusses common methods of corporate communication and how they can block organizational learning. Focus groups, surveys, and management-by-walking-around help gather simple, single-loop information, but also promote defensive reasoning by encouraging employees to believe that their proper role is to criticize management. The problem is not that employees avoid organizational self-examination, but that it is never asked of them. The author details methods to encourage "double-loop" learning on an organizational level.
Teaching Smart People How to Learn
By Argyris, Chris, Harvard Business Review, May/Jun91, Vol. 69 Issue 3, p99-109, 11p,
Before a company can become a learning organization, it must first resolve a learning dilemma: competitive success increasingly depends on learning, but most people don't know how to learn. What's more, those members of the organization whom many assume to be the best at learning-professionals who occupy key leadership positions-are, in fact, not very good at it. In this article, Harvard Business School professor Chris Argyris looks at human behavior patterns that block learning in organizations, explains why well-educated professionals are prone to these patterns, and tells how companies can improve the ability of their managers and employees to learn. Effective learning is not a matter of the right attitudes or motivation. Rather, it is the product of the way people reason about their own behavior. When asked to examine their own role in an organizations problems, most people become defensive. They put the "blame" on someone else. This defensive reasoning keeps people from examining critically the way they contribute to the very problems they are committed to solving. The solution: companies need to make the ways managers and employees reason about their behavior a key focus of organizational learning and continuous improvement programs. Teaching people how to reason about their behavior in new and more effective ways breaks down the defenses that block organizational learning.
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