Responsible Engineers: Adam, Emilio
Find optimal nozzle throat diameter
Find optimal expansion ratio (Throat/end)
Optimal nozzle Mach number for maximizing altitude of sounding rocket - ScienceDirect
“Design of Nozzle for High-Powered Solid Rocket Propellant” by Jackson Stephenson
Goddard problem
The one dimensional motion of a rocket climbing in the vertical direction
From braeunig:
The nozzle throat area, At, can be found if the total propellant flow rate is known and the propellants and operating conditions have been selected. Assuming perfect gas law theory, we have
where q is the propellant mass flow rate, Pt is the gas pressure at the nozzle throat, Tt is the gas temperature at the nozzle throat, R* is the universal gas constant, and k is the specific heat ratio.
Nozzle exit size effectively fixed by diameter of case
optimal nozzle mach number→ expansion ratio→throat diameter