GR4 - Computer Prototype
The computer prototype will be available at The site has been tested with Chrome and Firefox 4 on Windows 7 (but should work well in other similar environments).
Notes about this prototype:
- Stream watching is not fully implemented yet. All thumbnails lead to the same stream (maybe offline), and the stream page is a simple embed.
- Streams have not yet been organized into categories yet. All categories lead to the same set of streams.
- Category navigation has not been fully implemented. One cannot go up category hierarchies.
- The search functionality has not been implemented.
- The look/visual fidelity is not very high. There will be graphical updates in the future, but the important usability features are there.
1 Comment
Anh Dang Viet Nguyen
Comments 1:
They seem to not have search functionality (which is core to their UI task of finding a news video). Also the category names are simply a list and not related at all to what the interface would look like in a full implementation (at least coming up with fake category names with a few categories populated with relevant videos would be much better for GR4 work).
Comments 2:
Besides basic video features, please considering adding features that are specifics for streaming.
- Naming categories is irrelevant. Even it's prototyping, please pick out meaning texts and labels.
- All categories point to same page?
- Video is too small, too many redudant space.
- Suggesting to add:
+ Besides the barebone video component, consider Info or Comment or Twitter tweets or Chat on the big white space on the right.
+ Adding overlaying live info on top of video thumbnails. For example, adding scores on top of a live streaming NBA game thumbnail video.
+ Drag and drop video to the bottom list for Watch Later.