2.  Add a Company/Contact to the Account

Companies are frequently first added/verified in the system to facilitate use in the bidding process but can be added at any time to accommodate the needs of the project. Requests should come through individual instances of the “Add New Company/Contact” process. Using information from the process:


  1. Select the “Contacts”tab from the navigation at the top of the page.
    1. Click on the “Add Company” button.
    2. Fill in as many fields as possible based on the information provided.
    3. As a part of the routing of the process instance, you will have the SAP Vendor number – enter this number in the “Company Number” field.
    4. Click the “Save” button.


  1. Click on the “Add Contact” button.
    1. Fill in as many fields as possible based on the information provided and select “Company” from the drop-down list provided.
    2. Click the “Save” button.
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