Are you a graduate or undergraduate student who’s passionate about energy and climate change? Apply to join the MIT Energy Initiative and explore Norway, Germany, and Denmark and their respective clean energy efforts.
When? Week of August 22, 2022
*This is when the abroad trip will take place, but please note that the program as a whole has components taking place both before and after these dates.
Part One: Preparatory Seminar
Before embarking on the field trip (dates TBD), participating students will take on a three-day preparatory short-course on campus. This will include talks from relevant professors, industry experts, and researchers on low-carbon energy.
Part Two: Trip to Europe
From (dates TBD), participating students will travel as a cohort to Norway, Germany and Denmark, engaging with the practical applications of the energy technologies they will have grappled with during the preparatory seminar.
Part Three: German Students Come to MIT
At the end of (dates TBD), a small group of students from a German university will be traveling to MIT for 10 days. These students will be learning about how the U.S. deals with energy and students from the Europe field trip will engage with these students.
Note: As a continuation of the field trip, summer UROPs with related research will be available.