Process for monitoring and updating "Moving Wall" updates in JSTOR
From time to time, JSTOR sends emails about content updates, new or enhanced functionality, or general announcements to their mailing list, JSTOR-Announcements. To subscribe, send an email with 'subscribe' in the subject to:
Scan the newsletter for a section called "Moving Wall Reductions". This section details the former and current moving wall information for the titles listed.
An example:
Acta Musicologica (Arts & Sciences III; Music)
Release Content: Vol. 75, No. 1 (2003) - Vol. Vol. 77, No. 2 (2005)
Moving Wall: 3 years
Publisher: International Musicological Society
ISSN: 0001-6241
Note: By publisher request, JSTOR is decreasing the moving wall from 5 years to 3 years.
Updating Barton and FileMaker Vera
There are three types of updates:
Decreasing the moving wall from X years to X years.
- In Barton holdings record, change the number in the Latest ... note.
- In FileMaker, change the number in holdings note field.
Reducing the moving wall from fixed to X years.
- In Barton, make the holdings open. Add a |z with the note "Latest X years not available"
- In FileMaker, delete the closing volume and add: " - present ; Latest X years not available"
Decreasing the moving wall from X years to Zero.
- In Barton, delete the |z Latest ... note.
- In FileMaker, delete the semicolon and Latest ... note.