1. Add a User/Role to the Account
As an admin, you may be asked to add a user to the e-Builder account in two ways, either within e-Builder or external to e-Builder. Until a larger number of MIT employees become e-Builder users a number of these requests will come in via email or verbally rather than through the “New User Request & Assignment” process.
The following information, at a minimum, is required to create a user, whether that user is internal to MIT or an external user:
- User First Name
- User Last Name
- User Phone Number
- User Email Address
- User Supervisor (if internal)
- User Company (if external)
- User Proposed Role
- User Project Assignments
Using the above information, go to “Setup / Users/ Manage Users”:
- Create a user in the system by clicking on the “Add New User” button and fill in all required fields.
- Use the internal user’s MIT email address (i.e., including “@mit.edu”) for “Username”. (A convention has not yet been established for external users).
- Also fill in “Type of Business” and “Title” (based on role requested), and address if known.
- Check the “Notify user that he/she has been added” check box and click the “Save Button”.
- Click on the name of the newly added user and then click on the “Manage Membership” button in the upper right hand corner.
- On “Projects” tab:
- Select projects from the “All Project” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested projects.
- Also click the “Notify user added/removed to/from project” box.
- On “Account Roles” tab:
- Select account role(s) from the “All Roles” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested account level role.
- Click the “Save” button.
- On “Project Roles” tab:
- Do the following only if the person is acting in a role other than their account role.
- Select role from the “Roles” dropdown and project from the “All Projects” panel and click the right arrow to add user to the requested project level role.
- Click the “Save” button.
- If member will fill a key role on a project, write a “Memo to File” copying senior project actors. If the user is in a role tracked on the Details page for a project, be sure to edit the project Details page with the assignment. (See 3.8 for further instructions.)
- Add the new user as a member on the “User Experience Project”.
- Go the “Project Menu” in the left column. Then Details/ Project Participants/ Manage Participants.
- If you create a new user and forget to check the box to notify them (see 1.c. above), the new user can be notified via:
- the “Email User” function from the Manage Users section of the Admin area or
- from the Project Participants page in each project.
Both of these areas will have the following checkboxes: “Notify user he/she has been added” and “Include Login Information.”