GR3 - Paper Prototyping
[Prototype Photos|#photos]
[Home Page|#homepage]
[View Meals|#viewmeals]
- Scenario Tasks
- Observations
- Prototype Iteration
1. Prototype Photos
The following photos show the second iteration of our design. (The first iteration consisted of the Home Page and Analytics of our Design #2, and the Food History page of Design #1, as seen in GR2.)
Fig 1. Log-In screen
Home Page
Fig 2. Home Page showing two options: "Add/Edit Groceries" or "Add Meal"
Fig 3. Clicking "Add/Edit Groceries" brings up this form.
Fig 4. After saving new groceries, the groceries are displayed in the "Edit/View" tab.
Fig 5. Clicking "Add Meal" brings up this form. For each food item, the user types it or chooses it from a select box containing all food on the food list. In the second case, the form auto-fills with the food's nutritional information.
View Meals
Fig 6. The default View Meals page shows meals for the current week in calendar form. Only breakfast and dinner are shown in this example, since the user has un-highlighted "Lunch" and "Other" in the lower left corner.
Fig 7. The user hits "Month" to see a month view of meals.
Fig 8. The Analytics page has one graph.
Fig 9. The graph options: Calories/Cost, In Total/Per Food Group, Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Snack/Other. The calendar in the top right is a date selector.