Political solution to international fishing
Economic aspect
Increase fishing population
Decrease environmental harm
Keep economic impacts in mind
Decrease bycatch
*GPS tracking
#1. Coast Guard
#2. Offer bonuses for ex-fishermen to switch to GPS tracking (similar to solution provided in miniproject)
#3. Severe fines to help enforcement efforts
#4. Points/offense system--similar to "three strikes" law
*Quotas and limitations
#1. Quota-trading (like carbon credits)
*Closed areas
#1. Implement in "dead areas"--make them permanently closed, so that it wont have a drastic impact on fishermen and it will allow a heavily-impacted area to come back
#1. Typically bad, so subsidize the GPS system
*Restrict Equipment
#1. Boat size
#2. Fleet size
#3. Reuse old equipment
#1. Discourage importing fish (high tariffs?)
#2. Encourage domestic fishing
*Bottom-line fishing price
#1. Baseline to discourage fishing based on market price
*Fish Farms/GMOs
#1. Regulations of Genetically Modified fish
#2. Fund research of farmed fish
*Cultural impact in rural areas abroad
*Financial impact/livelihood
*Source of food
*Quotas--how can we determine what/where quotas will be enforced?
*Nationality doesn't always identify a fishing organization--international companies
#1. Trade restictions and flag hopping
#1. Promote fishing
#2. Allow for fishermen to buy more equipment and ships
*Grassroots organizations/NGOs restoring fisheries within countries
#1. What is down with old equipment?
#2. Can it be reused?
#3. Civilian contractors working with coast guard to enforce regulations