{div:style=width:300px;overflow:hidden;float:left;} {panel:borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#ddd|bgColor=#fbfbfb} h2. Thalia Contents {pagetree:root=Thalia project|sort=natural} h2. {panel} {div} |
{div:style=overflow:auto;margin-left:10px;min-height:600px;} h2. Project Planning Highlights [Thalia Project Profile] \- overview of the entire project plan [Features requested by customers|Customer Feedback] \- what's been requested and who wants it [Product Roadmap|Thalia Roadmap] \- upcoming development plans [Release Notes|Thalia Release Notes]\- what changed in each release [Product Development Process |Thalia Team Roles and Processes] \- how a release is planned, who does what Draft Thalia Terms of Service located in the [Thalia Customers and Support] space under Links for Customers current documentation (historical also available for reference) {div} |