GR4- Computer Prototype

Starting Up the Prototype

  1. Please use a smart phone to view this as it is a mobile application
  2. Download Chrome app for your phone if you do not already have it:
  3. Go to this link to view the computer prototype:
  4. When you Check In to a tour, select "CollegeTech" as your school

Implemented Features of Prototype

NOTE: This prototype is currently filled with a large amount of placeholder information so do not be surprised if there is some lack in consistency or repetitive information

Currently in this prototype you can:

  1. Click submit on the checkin page and be navigated to the main menu page
  2. Enter a question in the question queue (the time values might be off because it is currently not implemented in real time)
  3. Swipe through graphs and click on FAQs
  4. Scroll through events (click on the arrows/buttons at the top to look at events listed for a few different days)
  5. Scroll through stories and click on the pictures of users to view their profiles
  6. You can navigate to the map page and look at a map (no interaction with the map has been implemented as of yet, e.g. GPS tracking)
  7. On the profiles of users you can look at their user information. Clicking on the "Schedule Meetup" button will bring a popup form, where you can also cancel the form (submitting does nothing currently)
  8. The home button and the back button on the top of the pages you can navigate to from the main menu currently work (so clicking back will bring you to the previously visited page, clicking home will bring you to the home page)

Please assume that everything else in this prototype is static or placeholder information and not implemented as of yet. Please let us know if you have any problems with trying to do the above implemented features!