h1. StageIt {pagetree2:StageIt} h2. GR4 - Computer Prototyping h4. Starting up the Prototype: To view the webpage online, go to this link: <insert link here> Supported platforms: Chrome or Safari. h4. Tasks for Evaluation: # Create a semicircular stage. # Start your first formation by naming it "Blues Enter." # Add 5 dancers to the stage as blue circles. Move them to the center of the stage, in a single horizontal line.l line. # Save the current formation and create create a new one , with the same dancers on the stage. Name this one "Greens Enter." # Delete one of the blue dancers. # Add 5 more dancers to the stage as green circles. Move all dancers into 2 horizontal lines - one with 4 dancers and one with 5 dancers - on the center of the stage. # Add a prop chair to front left of the stage. # Draw 2 arrows on the stage, pointing outwards from the lines of dancers. # Save, then create next formation called "Finale." Move the rest of the blue dancers off-stage to stage left, and move remaining dancers into a big circle. h4. Incompletely Implemented and Canned Elements: # When giving dancers names, the shape is deleted in the background - we are fixing it. # Saving the current formation does not actually save it anywhere. # Because arranging dancers automatically is very back-end oriented, we have not fully implemented this function yet. |