Charitable Connections

Group Members

  • Emily Kuo (ekuo8)
  • Gil O'Neil (goneil)
  • Max Stein-Golenbock (msteing)

GR1 - User Observation and Analysis

GR2 - Designs

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototype

GR5 - Implementation

GR6 - User Testing

Business Design 2

In design 2, we do not have a business side and would instead pull business information from the internet to create business profiles.  We would not facilitate or mediate contact, but would instead list phone numbers or emails.

We could then rely on customer feedback to build up the business' profile over time. If the customer receives a donation from a business, they would add the business as a sponsor for their event.  Then we could add the event details (i.e. cause, charity) to areas that the business has supported.  Over time, our application would allow customers to get a good idea of what type of event a business is likely to support which will directly address goal 2 from above (and might even indirectly affect 1).

So the idea would be that, from the user's event page (described in client designs), there would be an  "add sponsor" button which would direct them to a business search page where they'd search for the business and add them as a sponsor.