Mob Riller navigates to the write('now') homepage looking for writing ideas. He creates an account, and logs in for the first time.
The first page that he is brought to gives him an inspirational writing idea |
Once he is finished writing out his piece, Mob Riller can see the finalized |
If Mob Riller is unsatisfied by the types of inspiration that he is receiving, he can also opt to filter the content subjects. Alternatively, he can opt to pose a topic idea to the community and have them respond with their own ideas and feedback.
Users can easily achieve their goals:
It might be slightly hard for users to find their own work again once they have finished their piece and would like to review it. However, by navigating to the user dashboard, it will become clear where the content is stored. Also, the idea of a user dashboard is consistent with many other site designs, and will hopefully not be difficult to learn.
The design is kept simple and the features are minimalistic, such that it is not hard to navigate from page to page in order to accomplish different tasks.
The search bar and a link to the user dashboard will be static at the top of the page such that they are easily accessible from any page on the website.
The dashboard will contain links to action, such as a "new entry" button, links to all the user's previous entries, and links to the community topic proposal posts. If the user wants any of these items, he only needs to navigate to the dashboard page, and find his content there.
The inspiration and writing entry page are are kept together, so that users do not have to perform any intermediate navigation to get from one to the other; they can immediately begin writing once they come up with ideas.
If a user wants to get personalized inspirational content, going through a filter survey for narrowing down topics is an extra step to take, and might detract slightly from the overall efficiency.
Waiting for the community to respond to a "topic proposal" may take a day, or even several days, and this could hold the writer back.
There are privacy settings such that users can share their work to the community or keep it personal depending on how comfortable they feel.
The author has control over content that other users put on their page, namely comments.
The inspirational content can be regenerated as an inline element without refreshing the entire page, so if the Mob clicks the "inspire me more button" after beginning his writing, his work won't disappear.
There is no method of saving drafts of the writing, so if the user accidentally hits the back button or refresh, then their writing might be lost.