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h3. Presentation Link


h1. Problem Statement
bq. *Writers find it difficult to find inspiration and motivation to begin or continue writing.*
h5. Difficult because of:

* Writer's Block
* Burn-out
* Lack of time
* Human laziness

h1. Scenario

bq. Mob Riller graduated from Harvard with a dream to be an author. However, none of his books were good.

bq. Dejected and out of ideas, Mob Riller is looking for a place to do some speed writing and find some inspiration.
h1. Individual Design Sketches

h3 Sketches by Clara Liu

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*Design Highlights* 
* Grandparent carries out all actions through the interface of an “address book,” which contains clickable buttons corresponding to each contact. All mode of communication options (including adding a contact) appear as overlays on top of the address book, so that the address book is always in sight. 
* Mode of communication is purposefully asymmetric to meet different needs. When grandparent sends voicemail, it is voice recorded on the grandparent’s side but sent as text/email to the grandchild’s side, to accommodate grandchild’s busy schedule. 

*Usability Analysis* 
# Learnability 
#* Pros 
#** Address book metaphor and mailbox metaphor together maintain some external consistency with grandparent’s existing method of keeping contacts, and thus lowers the learning curve. 
#* Cons 
#** Address book metaphor combined with dialing the desired contact may confuse a new user. In real life, one does not add to a paper address book by dialing the person’s number. 
# Efficiency 
#* Pros 
#** Grandparent never needs to type on the keyboard. 
#** Recording a voicemail is less time intensive than typing an email (provided the speech interface is easy to use). 
#** Younger family member receives voicemail as text, so can check message while doing other activities. 
#* Cons 
#** Grandparent must always go through a two-step process of selecting the desired contact before selecting the mode of communication (call vs. send voicemail). 
# Safety 
#* Pros 
#** Because the main page is never out of sight (all other functionality appear as overlays), cancelling an unwanted action is more visually intuitive; the “default” mode is always visible. 

h1. Designs

h3. 1. The Scrambler

h3. 2. Writing Battle

h3. 3. Inspirational Generator