Design 1: Tablet/Laptop with Tour side panel

This design would be most fitting for a tablet or a laptop. The main component and aim of the design was the side panel which shows information on the tour a tourist would be in. No matter where you navigate to in the UI, this side panel with tour information would always be accessible. The side panel displays a picture of the tour guide, tour guide's name, the time span of the tour, the tour's current location, a button to press for feedback (a modal appears with a form to submit), and the queue for questions. Tourists can enter questions into the queue, and the tour guide is able to check the queue, answer questions to the rest of the group, and swipe to delete them when they've been answered. The rest of the UI has tabs for Map, FAQs, Events, and Stories. Map shows a map of the college, FAQs shows general statistical information on the school (as well as visual displays e.g. charts, etc.), Events shows events listed by categories and sorted by most current date, and Stories shows the pictures of students who've submitted stories on dorms, majors, activities, etc. Clicking on a student name allows a user to see their profile, what stories they've posted, and schedule a hangout with them. 

Design 2: Tablet/Laptop #2

This is another design which would be most fitting for a tablet or a laptop.  Across the top there are horizontal tabs for Tour, FAQs, Events, and Stories (this time without Map). The Tour tab shows the same information and is displayed with the same queue as the side panel did in the first design. FAQs shows some general statistics and then lists the most common questions. The Events page displays event information (including banners and descriptions) in a timeline-esque display. The stories page, for a particular topic, shows stories in a 2 column layout with pictures of the students and their descriptions. The student profile is similar to the design above, as is the feedback modal. 

Design 3: Mobile


This design is an extreme design with a tiny screen interface. The main menu uses large icons and lists the options Tour, FAQs, Events, Stories, and Feedback. Every other page has a Go Back button to get back to the menu. The tour page shows the picture of the tour guide and the guide's name, as well as the queue of questions with the names of the tourists who asked them. The FAQs page has some general statistical information and then two large buttons at the end of the page to see Most Frequent questions asked, and a button to see Students' general comments. The Events page shows a logo for each event and a brief description of the event, sorted by most current. Stories has a similar layout to the very first design, and the Feedback page is a simple form.