Design 1 - Dashboard Design


This design uses a "dashboard" approach.  The idea is that all different pages are accessed from a always showing sidebar.

In the first display on this picture, Taylor is looking at the "General" tab.  This would be the landing page for the beginning of the tour.  It shows the college logo, as well as general stats about the college, how much time is left in the tour, and the Tour Guide Name.

In the second picture on the page, Taylor is looking at the "About Your Guide" section.  This shows a picture of the Tour guide and some information about him or her.

The tabs on the right are: "General", "About Your Guide", "Ask a Question," "Events,", "Voices," "Feedback."  Most of these are pretty self explanatory except for "Voices." This would be a collection of stories, reviews, etc. from other people on campus.  There would be a way to filter by category ("Dorms," "Academic Buildings," etc.)

Design 2 - Map Centered

This design (redrawn by a team member for the presentation) is based on a Map, that would show the user's current location as well as the campus (think Google Maps).  This map would always be visible.  The four corner icon (from top left, going clockwise) correspond to asking a question, seeing events, giving feedback, and seeing general stats about the college. Each icon would pop out a side bar (see the events one) to perform the task. 

By tapping on a building in the map, A pop up would show, with stories pertaining to that location.  Another idea would be to place pins on the map for each story, and have the user click on the pins.

Design 3 - Deaf/Hearing Impaired
The third design was my "Reach" Design.  I decided to design for deaf/hearing impaired people, who would not be able to hear the tour guide.  This design would require external hardware. More specifically, it would require a mic for the tour guide to speak into so that the system could pick up the voice.  The system would then use speech-to-text software and display what the tour guide says verbatim on the main portion of the screen.  All of the other functionality would be regulated to a resizable sidebar (can get wider or slimmer).  In this picture the user would be looking at the General Stats of the college.  The header is similar to the one in Design Two.