“One of the greatest challenges or losses that we face as older adults, frankly, is not about our health, but it’s actually about our social network deteriorating on us, because our friends get sick, our spouse passes away, friends pass away, or we move,” - Joseph F. Coughlin, director of the AgeLab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Members of the elderly community, suffer from a diminishing social circle, and would like to participate and contribute to society and connect with others.
One elder who recently moved into a nursing home was concerned about keeping in touch with his previous community and reminisces about his neighbors with whom he use to regularly chat with. He misses being in the immediate vicinity of his grandchildren and tending to his garden. Although he does have a Facebook account, he barely uses it except to periodically share pictures with his grandchildren or look at nursing home events.
Lessons Learned:
Another elder is a widower who misses the companionship of her deceased spouse. She wishes she had someone to talk to about her loss and wants to find others who can relate. She is also having trouble learning to live alone again.
Lessons Learned:
One elder was an retired doctor who misses the fulfillment of his job and now longs for a way to continue to help others. He misses the social connections afforded to him through his profession and misses interacting with patients. He struggles to redefine himself in this new retired state.
Lessons Learned:
General user class consists of seniors (65+), who are retired and desire to meaningfully connect with others and contribute to society. Some specific users include: