1. Assessment (studies, surveys, usability, etc.) - Nicole, Lisa & Remlee

2. Virtual sites design and production - Darcy & UIG members

3. Public space improvements/planning - Stephanie

4. Marketing - Remlee & Stephanie

3 UX members are on Marketing Team. They brought a focus on virtual marketing, web services and physical spaces.

5. Betas - Remlee

Continued to maintain betas page for current, retired, and graduated experimental library services.  New betas included:

6. Emerging technologies (including e-readers, ipads staff and public loans) - Nicole

A. The emerging tech subgroup explored the following technologies:

They presented their findings to a group of staff on May 31. 

B. UX worked with relevant IDLA staff to continue the project of loaning e-reading devices to the public (Kindles, Nooks). We also coordinated the loaning of a small pool of mobile devices to MIT Libraries staff (iPads, Nooks, Kindles). 

7. Workshops/classes we taught (IAP and other) - All

8. Staff development (training and workshops we've attended) - All

9. Challenges ahead - All

10. Web & social media stats - Darcy & Remlee

Social media continues to be a low-cost way to market library services and events.  Stephanie and Remlee have worked this year to create a consistent tone and focused message to gain followers and to foster user engagement.

Facebook followers: 1332 (had 985 in 2011 and 558 in 2010)
Twitter followers: 5065 (had 3239 in 2011 and 1671 in 2010)