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- Static page with an image for the description and a single button to continue for simplicity
- A SQLite database was used for the backend, storing each trip along with the trip information the user inputs in it
- All data is stored internally on the phone
- The list of past trips, when selected, will lead to the packing page for that specific trip
- A single text field allows users to enter new trips
- Pressing the continue button will lead to the trip information page, where users can enter trip data, but does not save the trip in the database just yet
- We decided to delay saving the trip into the database until after the user had entered their trip details for safety reasons, since users could decide not to add the trip and back out of the page, leading to extraneous data entries in the database
- To eliminate the need for a context menu and save space for the application, an action bar at the top with buttons to navigate between the main pages of the app was implemented
- We used Android's SharedPreferences feature to keep track of the current trip name the user is accessing on the phone
- SharedPreferences were also used to keep track of the choices the users made in selecting/entering trip information
- Once all trip information is entered, and the user hits continue, the information is added into the database and a list of items is generated
- The trips are canned - 2 trips were programmed into the app, and one trip is randomly chosen as the user's trip
- The quantity of items are determined by the duration of the trip and the item itself (e.g. for a 7 day trip, the app suggests bringing 7 shirts but only 1 toothbrush)
- Error checking is apparent when the user tries to continue without filling in all the information - the page will not advance, and a toast will appear prompting the user to fill out all information
- Information is not saved when the user decides to go back, since we decided not to distinguish between users accidentally hitting go back and users intentionally going back for sake of time in developing the app.
- To represent the different categories of items, a tab layout was implemented
- The shelf view with the items to be pack displays items in the category of the selected tab, which is tap-able and draggable as well
- Tapping items to add to the bubble underneath will log that many copies of the item as packed in the database
- Tapping items in the bubble will do the opposite
- The backpack is also a listener for drag events, allowing users to pack items in bulk
- Each item is given an automatic weight of 1 lb, and the scale to the right of the backpack displays the weight of the items in the bag

- The application keeps track of the weight of the items in the bag, changing the image based on weight
- The edit button switches the application into 'edit mode', changing the bubble to contain items that, when tapped, will be added to the unpacked list in the database.
- The list of items contain all the items viewable from each category tab
- The trashcan is also a listener for drag events, allowing users to discard items they do not want to pack from their shelf
- Editable text fields allow the user to add items not visible in the current list to the shelf
- Viewing trip information, such as packing tips and weather information is visible via the question mark button in the action bar
- Tabs reveal static pages displaying information based on the trip chosen