GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Prototype Photos 


1. Title Page 2. Create Account 3. Empty Home Page 4. Search for a Cause 5. Cause Mission Page 6. Donate to a Cause 7. Add Billing Info 8. Updated Home Page 9. Share via Email 10. Log into Facebook 11. Share via Facebook


Create a Donate2Us account: set up an account with a username and password
Search for a Cause: search for charity you want to support
Donate to a Cause: donate money to a cause
Add Billing Info: add a credit card to charge
Create a Cause: create your own cause with a mission statement and description
Share with Friends: share your cause with your friends via facebook or email


We introduced Donate2Us as a mobile application that allows fundraisers or student groups to create and spread the word about their causes. We explained that users can create, join a cause, share, and donate to causes. We told them that this applications is similar to Causes on Facebook but geared towards mobile platforms.


Below are the most important observations we had during our user testing:

Prototype Iterations

Below are the main changes we made between the first and second round of testing: