GR3 - Paper Prototyping


SMak helps you plan your schedule. When people travel to foreign countries, they typically know what you want to see but not how to go about doing it. With SMak, your job is to say what your activities are and give hints as to how you want to carry out those activities. Smak's job is to help fill in the details of your schedule: how to get from place to place, in what order to do your activities---these sorts of things.

In this session, you will be traveling to Florence, Italy. You have an idea of what you want to do and use SMak to setup your day when you are still in the states. When you are in Florence and pull out SMak, you realize that you woke up late because of jet lag. The exercise will let you try to re-plan your schedule.

Scenario Tasks

Task 1

You want to call your trip “Florence 2011”.  You want to start your day at 8am. First, you want to eat breakfast. You want to get lunch between 12-2p. You want to visit the city dome and think that this will take 2 hours.

Task 2

You want SMak to schedule your day for you and then save your trip.

Task 3

You woke up late the day of your trip! You want the same schedule, but starting at 9:30am instead of 8am.

Original Prototype

We started with the "schedule-specific constraint solver" design from GR2.


Observations on First Iteration

User 1

User 2

User 3


  1. change the + button
  2. better words for "Global", "Individual", and "Constraints"
  3. need better learnability for adding constraints.  maybe change the flow and titles for the constraints pages
  4. Figure out how to interact with the schedule page.

Prototype Iteration

We realized that the manner in which users added activities and constraints had severe learnability problems, as users did not understand what constraints were or what types of constraints were necessary for the task they wanted to get done. 


Add Activity

Add Constraints


Observations on Second Iteration

User 4

User 5

User 6