Discover.Me is a mobile phone application which we are developing. Its aim is to allow a user, such as yourself, to be able to find and locate an approved list of friends so as to be able to be up-to-date with their real-time location. The application will subsequently allow you to, based on the proximity of you and your friends, quickly and easily create an event; specify its time and select a location from the suggested list created by app based on your preference, and send invitations out to friends whom you'd like to meet with. The application will thus allow all participants to have a better knowledge about the geographical location of the event and facilities available over there, as well as easily view who the invitees and what their responses are (i.e. are they coming or not). Ultimately, we aim to make spontaneous, closely-located based events amongst friends fast to create, easy to disseminate and clear to invitees what the responses are.
Finding a friend in your friend's list |
Adding a friend to your friend list |
Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change In Time |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Location |
Imagine that you are an individual named Alice, currently using Discover.Me. |
Imagine that you are an individual named Alice, currently using Discover.Me. |
Imagine that you are an individual named Alice, currently using Discover.Me. |
Imagine that you are Zoey, currently using Discover.Me. |
Imagine that you are Zoey, currently using Discover.Me. |
User |
Finding a friend in your Friend List |
Adding an individual into your Friend List |
Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Time |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Location |
User's General Comments |
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User was not presented this task. |
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User was not presented this task. |
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User was not presented this task. |
User |
Finding a friend in your Friend List |
Adding an individual into your Friend List |
Creating and Inviting Friends to an Event |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Time |
Responding to an Invitation by Proposing a Change in Location |
General Comments |
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="1631134c-dff3-431a-8881-843d5150885d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ |
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User was not presented this task. |
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User was not presented this task. |
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User was not presented this task. |
Design |
First Iteration |
Second Iteration |
Third Iteration (?) |
Action Icons/buttons on home page |
Action icons were of the same color as action bar but in darker shade |
Action icons are replaced by prominent and easy to locate buttons |
Actions buttons are retained |
Extra buttons on home page |
Extra buttons did not have any functionality attached to them at that time. |
These buttons were removed. |
in the "select location" page inside "create event" work flow now has a button on top right corner labeled "filter". |
search bar on home page |
The search bar on is empty has a search button and a span button. |
Search button is removed. the bar now performs incremental adaptive search. |
retained from the previous iteration. |
help text as default text in search fields of |
All the search bars had "Search" as their fragile default text. |
the new fragile default texts are Home Page Search bar "Search for Friend by Name" |
default texts retained from earlier iteration. |
close buttons on pop up opened on tapping the action buttons |
Pop up menu can be closed by tapping the same button that was used to open it. |
Pop can also be closed using the "x" button on top left corner of the pop up menu. |
retained from earlier design. |
Confirmation dialog after adding a friend |
a Dialogue box pops up when user adds a friend, asking whether they are sure or not. |
Confirmation box is dropped. |
retained from the earlier design. |
adding a friend takes you back to home page or search for a new person to add page ? |
takes you pack to home page. |
takes you back to search for a new friend page |
takes you back to friend list |
event page |
more fields for data entry |
simplified |
closed /open event option added |
setting time of event |
time was automatically inserted, adn could be change using the numeric keypad |
ticker was introduced, end time is set by default to one hour after the start time |
ticker retained, but now it has a button "done" which when pressed will hide the ticker. |
time zone |
dropped |
dropped |
setting location |
location can be typed or selected on map |
location can only be selected on map showing all the invited friends |
user can important considerations in selecting the location. app will highlight the suggested buildings on map. user can tap on building to see the details of meeting place options available in that building in a list sorted on the bases of facilities selected by user as important considerations. user can also browse through the un-highlighted buildings on the map check what facilities are available there. user can then select a meeting place and confirm to set it as "event location" |
rsvp confirmation page |
contains 2 buttons "accept" "decline" |
confirmation box is omitted |
confirmation box is omitted |
rsvp page |
contains event details only |
contains event details and rsvp responses on the same simplified page |
response page is simplified and affordances showing that user can edit event details and propose changes are added. |