GR3 - Paper Prototyping

Prototype Photos


3rd Down Play is an application designed to allow students to easily find and create study groups for the problem set(s) they are working on at any given time.

You should be able to:

User Tasks

For each iteration we approached 3 people and asked them to test our prototype.  We gave each of them 1 task at a time in sequential order and all of the users completed all 3 tasks.

Task 1

Use the interface to make yourself available for 6.006 problem set 2 problem 3.  You are working in Stata.

Task 2

Find a person or a group that is working on a 6.046 problem set and join them.

Task 3

Remove yourself from the 6.046 group.


Each iteration consisted of finding 3 random people that had not seen the prototype before or had heard us working on the prototype.

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Prototype Iterations