Menu highlight should be moved to their appropriate locations as indicated by "menu name" <page name>
"Record Expense" <Record Expense> |
"Analytics" <Map> |
"Analytics" <List> |
"Analytics" <Time> |
"Analytics" <View Expense> |
"Net Debts" <List Net Debts> |
"Record Expense" <Record Debt> |
"Home" <Dropbox Settings> |
"Transfer Funds" <Record Transfer> |
This app is to keep track of your money spending. You can take pictures, it can save location of where you spent the money, keep track of how much you are owed and owe.
You walk into a grocery store and pick up some items. You then proceed to the checkout counter and buy a few items. Immediately after you want to keep track of this by creating an expense using your app. You take out your app and take a photo of the receipt and then record the expense. Half of the items that you purchased are for a friend, and you want to record how much of this expenditure he owes you.* Create an expense with photos
You remember you spent money at a grocery store a week ago, near central square. Your friend has just paid you back. Navigate to the record of the expenditure and mark the debt as paid off* Find expense from a week ago, from Central Sq.
You have just created a record, but you realize that the time & date settings on your phone are misconfigured and the expense was listed as having come from the future. Navigate to that expense and fix the time & date it was made.* change the date to March 1st, save the change
Below are the various comments that we got from various users during testing.
After the rounds of user testing, we made the following changes
Legend: |
<View Expense> (OK) -> (Save)
On the <View Expense> page, we changed the (OK) button into a (Save) button. The initial plan was that the user would go into this screen knowing he was editing a old record, and hence (OK) would indicate that he was satisfied with his edits.
However, we found that users generally thought of it as viewing old records. Hence most of them had no idea what the (OK) button did. A (Save) button made it clear that its purpose was to save any edits made.
<Analytics> (Time) (Map), (Time) (List), (Map) (List) -> (Time) (Map) (List)
We also changed the menus atop the <Analytics> page. The original plan was to have three sibling pages:
and that each page would have two buttons above the page to navigate to his two siblings. This also afforded us very large buttons, which would at the same time display a summary of the state of the other two pages (e.g. the buttons on the list view would should the current time-range shown as well as the approximate location.
However, we found that this did not sit well with users, who did not immediately grok the fact that the three pages were siblings and thus interconnected. We decided to change it from buttons (to navigate from page to page) to a single tab menu with the three items (Time) (Map) (List). The tabs would make it clear to the user that the three pages are related, and that he was merely swapping between them.
<Top Menu Bar> (Record Debts) -> (Net Debts)
<Record Expense> aded (Add Debts)
On the top menu bar, we removed the (Record Debts) button and changed it to a (Net Debts) button. At the same time, we shifted the (Add Debt) button to the <Record Expense> page. This was because Debts were added as part of the expense which the uses inputs in <Record Expense>, and having it as a separate tab on the top level menu distracts a user from that fact.
Furthermore, we realized quickly that users wanted a way to fnd out how much they owe to different people in aggregate, without having to dig through the list of past expenses in order to find out what debts they had and which ones had to be repaid. Hence we created <Net Debts> as a top level menu item, allowing user to quickly list the people they have outstanding debts to/from.
<Record Expense>
Added (Delete Location)
A user wanted to avoid having his GPS location saved with the record. Therefore, we added a small location deleting (X) button.
(Select Fund) Button Even though we had a transfer your funds page, we did not have the option to pay from another fund, such as your credit card. If you were keeping track of how much money you had in your wallet, the value should not be affected even if you pay with your credit card.
(Home) -> (Settings) -> (home)
The (Home) button turned into (Settings) button after the first round of testings because we thought that all that was not already lined from the top was the dropbox settings page. However, after the second round of testing, we changed the (Record Debts) to (Net Debts), requiring us to place a link to where the user can list all the IOU’s and UOMe’s. The (Net Debt) will bring the user to the total sum of the IOU and UOMe.