
Group Members:  

Anjali Muralidhar, Pallavi Powale, Michael Puncel

Problem Statement for FriendTrain (needs updating): 

People living in close proximity often have similar needs and interests, and at any given particular time might wish to accomplish the same task or activity.  However, it is often difficult for these people to identify each other. The only way to find this other person is by manual trial and error (via text message, email, phone call, etc.) This often leads to people either carrying out a task alone, or not accomplishing these tasks at all.  This is clearly not an efficient way for the world to operate.  An application that facilitates finding matches between people who want to do the same activity can help users plan, coordinate, and confirm group activities.

GR1 - FriendTrain User and Task Analysis

GR2 - LunchBunch Designs

GR3 - LunchBunch Paper Prototyping

GR4 - LunchBunch Computer Prototype

GR6 - LunchBunch User Testing