Current Sprint: Ends roughly end of January.
In brief, our current short-term goals:

Current Activity for Review
Team, please review the following details.

Final Approval
Features have been through several iterations already, in need of a "yay" vote or polishing off.

Needs a Meeting
Or a standup, or a working session, or really thorough comments. You get it.

Shared Fields
This are fields shared between content types on purpose; possibly for reporting purposes or just for sensible data design. The example is intended only to be illustrative in hopes the developers get the idea and we can work a real reporting requirement out of it.

Additional Notes From Portfolio Working Session


Updated version of the Service/Service Offerings list will be sent out by 12/22.  From that, the team has divided up the service families for data entry into the prototype by 1/12 (at minimum services and services offerings in each family, and any information further down the tree that you can input.)