- Prototype review and feedback
- how do we store data?
- WYSIWYG editor, html, wiki mark up?
- does the tool normalize the data?
- we need to store the data in the same format
- attachments
- risk of having same document attached in two or more places, so updates are not captured universally
- have certain information stored in one specific place (e.g. all terms and conditions are attached to the "license bundle")
- configuration dependencies
- we will keep the list flat and add content type for differentiation
- version field will be open text (need to capture for certain products)
- "assets" (license, finance, support) linked to service offering and configuration item. Linking of assets to "service" level removed.
- parent to child links in service, offering, and configuration item are done using different widgets (checkbox, multiselect, autofill) on purpose, for evaluation
- Prototype Next Steps
- proper configuration of "assets."
- adding "vendor" and linking relationships
- team adding "configuration item" data in order to test Views of SWRT and VSLS product grids
- build out Distributed Software as a service (Steve)
- use information//data for Office 2010 (Dave)
- Retirement of Mac OS X 10.5 as case study for draft retirement process
- checklist
- "at-a-glance" document
Next team meeting is December 1, 2011: will work on draft retirement checklist and milestones for portfolio prototype (Dec through March)